Category Archives: advertising

Harnessing the Power of Social Media Graphics for Brand Engagement

As a small business, getting your name out into the world in any capacity is so important to marketing strategies. Why not take advantage of the fact that people are so chronically online and glued to their social media accounts nowadays? We might as well help ourselves to this low-effort marketing opportunity. Just getting your […]

What to Do if You’re Tired of Catering to The Algorithm

Welcome to the final part of this ethical advertising series! If you’ve stumbled upon this blog post as a one-off, make sure to check out the previous parts. This is the last installment of our five-part series, so make sure you’re all caught up before we jump into today’s post.  Today we’re talking about alternative […]

The Future of Augmented Reality in Advertising

While playing the game, you’re still seeing the real world in front of you, but at the same time you’re interacting with digital pokemon and “catching” them all over the world.  AR is all about enchanting reality, rather than replacing it, making it distinct from VR. Just a few ways to market using this up-and-coming […]

Are Meta’s AI Algorithms Hurting Small Businesses?

This blog is the third part in a five part series we’re working on this month about trying to remain ethical in social media advertising in the current age of algorithms. If you missed the first two parts, make sure to go back and read those first to get the most out of this series.  […]

Is Social Media Really More Difficult to Grow on Now?

ICYMI, this blog post is a continuation of The Social Media Struggle for Small Businesses. These articles are part of a five part blog series we’re working on this month. Last time, we introduced the idea that the same social platforms that were once crucial to small businesses are now working against those same businesses […]

The Social Media Struggle for Small Businesses

For the next few weeks, we’ll be publishing a series of articles all focusing on ethical advertising and how social media algorithms drive sales for big businesses. For the next four weeks, we’ll be putting out a new article every week to continue and complete this five part series. When you’re finished reading, click the […]