Author Archives: Kaitlyn Chrisemer

Interactive Design: Engaging Audiences in a Digital World

In this current digital age, the novelty of consuming digital media is definitely starting to wear off. That’s not to say that the general population isn’t still living on the internet – because they are – but to say that it’s wayyy more challenging to capture and keep an audience’s attention nowadays.  It’s not a […]

Designing for Accessibility: Making Your Content Inclusive

As a design company that works a lot with senior living companies, we might be a little extra cautious about making sure our designs are inclusive and accessible for all. We think a lot about the user experience (UX), especially when it comes to designing websites for retirement communities.  UX design is a method of […]

The Art of Packaging Design: Capturing Consumer Attention in an Oversaturated Market

Regardless, this phenomenon proves that packaging does indeed matter. Quite a lot in some cases. If we set the scene a little and put you, someone who knows only a little-to-normal amount about beer, in a beer shop and ask you to pick out a beer, how are you going to narrow down your choices?  […]

Harnessing the Power of Social Media Graphics for Brand Engagement

As a small business, getting your name out into the world in any capacity is so important to marketing strategies. Why not take advantage of the fact that people are so chronically online and glued to their social media accounts nowadays? We might as well help ourselves to this low-effort marketing opportunity. Just getting your […]