Businesses often come to designers seeking a new logo, but more often than not, they come to realize that they really want a whole new brand identity. Many don’t realize how much goes into creating a memorable brand identity. 

Logos are a part of the overall brand and its identity as a whole. In advertising and marketing, logos are never shown alone. They are always accompanying media that speaks to the rest of the brand as a whole and its goals as a company. Your business’s logo has to fit in with the rest of your company’s media and how it’s perceived on the whole.

One client we worked with on logo design and branding with the specific goal of creating a memorable identity is This is a company made by developers for developers to act as a well-structured place where they can store their docs. 

The question was: How could we make something as dreary and run-of-the-mill as a document company be fun and engaging? 

The answer? Throw a red panda on the logo. approached reCreative looking for a logo and brand guidelines that would help drive brand memorability and recognition while also positioning them as a business venture capitalists would take a chance on. 

They wanted to put an emphasis on the cuteness of the red panda while still keeping the design more textual. Creating such a unique logo helped Pandocs stand out and carve out a space for themselves amongst other document companies. 

Through research about their target audience and market competitors, we were able to create a logo that stood out from the crowd and made people remember them above other less imaginative, duller-appearing brands.

We wanted to make sure Pandocs was viewed as fun and unique rather than just another document company. Their logo needed to reflect and emphasize their uniqueness and creativity. 

Their idea to use a red panda for their logo as a little play on their name allowed us to collaboratively create something unique, witty, and adorable while still reflecting the company and its purpose. 

With this design, we played with people’s assumptions about document companies and flipped their perspective that they’re dull and monotonous on its head. This new vibrancy is something new and unexpected that helps create a new perspective centered around and how they can make something previously seen as boring, feel fresh and engaging.

Let’s face it, a cute, playful red panda is way more engaging and memorable than, say, a piece of paper or a doc on a screen. Creating a brand identity that calls people to engage with and remember your business over others is a way more achievable goal when your designs make you stand out from your competitors while still remaining relevant to your company’s purpose and mission.