Over the past few months we’ve been hard at work creating a new arm of our company, reCreative Good.

What is reCreative Good? reCreative Good is the ethical technology arm of reCreative + co. It is where we explore alternative advertising that doesn’t prey on human data. The goal of reCreative good is to create a more ethical and balanced relationship between business and consumer.

What services does reCreative Good offer? reCreative Good offers a lot of the same opportunities that reCreative does, just without all the imposing third party targeting. That means we will be creating advertising and marketing opportunities for our clients that do not include third party targeting through search engines or social media. We are creating:

  • New innovative ways to advertise & collaborate
  • Testing opportunities for new businesses to learn and grow outside of ‘traditional’ digital advertising
  • Experiences for businesses and consumers to learn and grow from each other
  • Ways to integrate humane & ethical technology through our agency and other agencies in the area.

Why is this important to us and why should it be to you? Over the last few years a lot of information has come to light about how companies like Facebook, Google, and the other larger digital marketplaces get and use personal data, and the majority of that information is not positive.

We decided to create reCreative Good so that we could affect change in our local environment for businesses and consumers. We want to create a shared understanding of how technology plays a massive part in marketing/advertising and create new innovative ways to challenge those marketing ‘norms’.

This past year alone, Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen helped The Wall Street Journal create a compelling argument for the tech giant’s lack of responsibility for the vitriolic tendencies within its own platform. Read more about the Facebook Files here.

“We’re the product. Our attention is the product being sold to advertisers.” – Justin Rosenstein, former engineer Facebook and Google, co-founder of Asana


In September, our team members signed up for the first group of marketers in Foundations of Humane Technology, a course put on by The Center for Humane Technology which was one of the initial things that pushed us to create this environment for local businesses and consumers to thrive.

Our Managing Director is also one of the group leaders for the courses affinity groups, “Micro Targeting, Ethics in Advertising” where the focus is on learning from other community members to brainstorm new ideas and create opportunities for non humane data-driven advertising.

If you haven’t yet had the opportunity and want to learn more about how we got started on ethical tech, check out The Center For Humane Tech’s 2020 Netflix Documentary, The Social Dilemma.


We have recently welcomed our pilot company to the reCreative Good platform, they are a local York, ME based business, Cold Current Kelp.

Cold Current Kelp is a kelp farm based in York, ME that was created to help remove excess nutrients and carbon dioxide from the ocean. The increase of carbon dioxide in our oceans and atmosphere is a growing problem on our planet (due in part to more greenhouse gas
emissions and deforestation). Kelp also releases oxygen to mitigate against ocean

We will be helping them create their digital presence while also creating ethically responsible marketing opportunities for the launch of their brand to the local market.


Want to learn more about how to become a member of reCreative Good? Email meg@recreative.co for more information or to set up a time to speak.