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Is Social Media Marketing Still Important?

For us – the answer to this question seems like a no. That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be important to you and your brand.

As marketers ourselves, we’re not ashamed to say that we’re not good at social media. We don’t love tooting our own horn and are not really quippy enough to be a top contender on twitter. That being said, it’s not important to US. That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be important for you.

Our social media marketing strategy is really the opposite of that. No strategy at all. We post when we want to post, engage when we want to engage, and show you only the things we really love and want to shout from the rooftops. We’re starting a new experiment in 2021, to focus solely on two social media channels, two that we haven’t focused on before – Twitter + LinkedIn.

A few years ago everyone expected you to have a Facebook and an Instagram account, and sure we have those things, but they don’t add value to our business. It took us a very long time to realize it but our audience is just not looking for us on their personal social media channels.

If you’re a B2B business, more than likely these two channels [Facebook & Instagram] are not adding a ton of value to your business. Switching focus to more business driven social media could help increase your visibility. That being said, we’re just testing it out ourselves and will report back our findings.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

To Keep Us Honest

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